
以更灵活的方式开始大学生活 & 金融援助



Did you graduate high school in 2024 or earn your GED® on/after July 1, 2023? 你可能是 有资格获得ACC免学费, which eliminates tuition costs and general fees for three years at ACC, 除了你获得的经济援助和奖学金之外.

探索秋季课程 & ACC登记

Your fall semester at Austin Community College is almost here! 是时候选择让你感兴趣的课程了, 获得旨在促进职业发展的劳动力证书, 然后迈出下一步完成你的学位, 都有适合你的课程表.

With college programs designed to be more affordable and more flexible for every kind of student, you can start college while focusing on what matters most – your future.


Registration starts 5月13日 for current students and 5月17日 for new students. Choose fall courses designed to fit your busy schedule with affordable classes offered online and across ACC’s 11 Central Texas campuses.

选择您的ACC课程. 找到你的未来!

你的大学生活将会改变你的一生. From workforce certifications designed to fast track your career to seamless transfer programs that connect you to top universities, ACC is the #1 choice for both high school graduates and adults in Central Texas.

HLC ATI 杰拉尔德Brown ca 189 scr作物

“The reason I like ACC in particular is because the curriculum is updated, 不是很贵, 教育质量也非常高. So all of those things had to align for me to say it makes sense to go.”

杰拉尔德B.、音频技术 & 业的学生

RS21384 20230321 HLC奖学金获得者

“Finances were a huge obstacle when entering the college world. 令人惊讶的是, it was after I started at ACC that my journey actually earned me scholarships within ACC.”

Alya米.、数学 & 物理的学生

RS23973 20240412 HLC Jeremiah Sudarmanto ca 014

“我对上大学没有兴趣, especially because my family didn't have enough money for a university. As soon as I learned about ACC and the affordable prices, that hooked me.”

——耶利米., 3D动画学生

20240409 HLC Maria Gonzalez Lopez ca 054 2

“我打两份工. English is not my first language, and I am a full-time student. 我觉得我现在是个超级英雄!"

玛丽亚L.健康科学 & 舞蹈学生

20230720穆迪拉斐尔洛佩兹ca 006 scr1

“I told myself I would never be smart enough or good enough to return to college. 我错了.”

——拉斐尔·L.、建筑 & 工程计算机辅助设计专业毕业

如何注册ACC 2024年秋季学期

无论你是新来的还是回校的, 在ACC注册秋季课程既简单又方便.

当前的 & 以前的学生

不需要重新申请! 秋季报名将于2024年5月13日开始. 在下面找到你的开始日期.


  • 检查你的 MyACC 任何持有的账户.
  • Submit a new residency form if you’ve been gone a year or longer.
  • 仔细检查并更新任何信息.
  • 尽快报名上课.


你需要在注册前申请, 但步骤很简单,你的应用程序是100%免费的, 没有费用!


    • 你的高中和大学成绩单
    • 考试成绩或豁免
    • 居住形式
    • 脑膜炎免疫证明或豁免书


重要的日子 & 2024年秋季注册截止日期

  • 5月13日 – 当前的/former students with 60+ hours – registration for fall classes starts
  • 5月14日 – 当前的/former students with 45+ hours – registration for fall classes starts
  • 5月15日 – 当前的/former students with 30+ hours – registration for fall classes starts
  • 5月16日 – 当前的/former students with 15+ hours – registration for fall classes starts
  • 5月17日 – 当前的/former with 0 hours AND new students- registration for fall classes starts
  • 8月13日 -学费截止日期取决于注册日期
  • 8月26日 – 16wk, & 第一个8周的课程开始
  • 10月21日 -第二期8周课程开始


联邦财政援助, 多样的奖学金机会, and ACC support services like free groceries help make college worth it every step of the way. 你可以开始上大学了, 开始投资你的未来, and start receiving financial support with 1-on-1 help from Austin Community College.


Prepare for your fall semester and get the classes you want by taking advantage of all your registration resources at Austin Community College.


  • Register for classes with 1-on-1 support for online registration and tuition payment.
  • 加入我们的注册周工作坊 & 有趣的活动,河蝠为下学期做准备.
  • Get your questions answered online or on-campus by the ACC experts.



你可以利用这段时间来准备和了解ACC! 探索我们的研究领域或采取 职业评估 找到一条与你的职业目标相匹配的学术道路. 有问题? 与我们联系: ssf4.net/recruiting to attend an information session or meet 1-on-1 with an advisor to get your questions answered.


申请到ACC后, your first step to financial aid includes completing your FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) to apply for financial grants, 贷款, 以及勤工俭学就业. 尽早申请有助于确保最好的经济援助选择, 但是FAFSA全年都受理申请, 意义 完成你的FAFSA永远不会太晚!

Priority applications for ACC’s fall scholarships end May 1st, 2024. 然而,仍有时间 提交一次性奖学金申请 to be eligible for hundreds of ACC Foundation scholarships for the fall and spring semesters.

我去年申请了,但没有上过课. 我必须重新申请吗?

如果您已经收到一个ACCeID并设置了您的帐户, 你可以跳过录取和申请的步骤 开始注册课程! If you need help accessing your ACCeID and account information, 与ACC学生服务台联系,网址为 (电子邮件保护) 或致电512-223-4636寻求帮助.


Fall 2024 Payment Deadlines (Payment in Full or Payment Plan Established)

我注册… 您必须通过以下方式全额付款或制定付款计划:
5月13日- 8月13日 8月13日,星期二,晚上11:59.m.
8月14日- 8月20日 8月20日,星期二,晚上11:59.m.
8月21日- 8月27日 8月27日,星期二,晚上11:59.m.
8月28日或之后 每周,一般是每周二晚上11点59分.m.

访问 ssf4.net/tuition 有关付款计划和当日付款选项的信息.


Most courses easily transfer to the top universities across Texas, 但是学分转换会因大学而异. 了解更多关于 ACC的大学转学计划 以及如何安排你的转学 按大学划分的课程等效性.

我有兴趣调到ACC. 我怎么知道我的学分是否可以转移?

ACC有一个简单方便的方法 检查转学分和课程等效性. If the college or course you are looking for is not listed on this page under the Course Equivalencies column, tccns.org provides a comprehensive database of transfer credits and equivalencies across Texas colleges and universities.

I’m not sure I can complete my application in time for the start of the semester. 我有什么选择?
你最好的选择是联系ACC的招聘人员 (电子邮件保护) 或致电512-223-4636协助申请. They can help point you in the right direction for required documents and transcripts, 并协助完成您的申请.
我听说过ACC的免学费试点项目. 我有资格参加这个试点项目吗?

A student’s eligibility for the ACC免学费 pilot program is based primarily on two key factors: when they graduated and where they live or where they graduated from.


  1.  A high school graduate must have graduated high school as part of the class of 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, or 2028.
  2. A GED® completer must have earned their GED® on or after July 1, 2023 through July 1, 2028.
  3. A high school graduate must have graduated from a high school within the ACC service area (see list here).
  4. A GED® completer or home school graduate must live in the ACC 服务区域.

A student who meets the criteria above is likely eligible for the ACC免学费 pilot program. Students who live out-of-district will still be responsible for the out-of-district fee for each course ($201 per credit hour).

Here’s some information to help you understand what it means to be in the service area and in the district.

服务区域 | The ACC service area covers all or portions of six Central Texas counties: Bastrop, 布兰科, 考德威尔, 海斯, 特拉维斯, 和威廉姆森. 您可以在austin查看服务区地图.edu/servicearea.

在地区 | If you live within the service area and pay ACC taxes, you’re considered in-district. 这些地区包括奥斯汀市, 奥斯汀ISD, 德尔瓦莱(Del Valle, 埃尔金ISD, 海斯 CISD, 利安得ISD, 庄园ISD, 和圆岩ISD.

然而 | If you live within the service area but you do not pay ACC taxes or live in any of the taxing regions listed above, 你被认为是区外的. 你仍然会得到免费的学费和一般费用, but will be responsible for the out-of-district fee ($201 per credit hour).

在地区的定义 | If you live within the service area and pay ACC taxes, you’re considered in-district. 这些地区包括奥斯汀市, 奥斯汀ISD, 德尔瓦莱(Del Valle, 埃尔金ISD, 海斯 CISD, 利安得ISD, 庄园ISD, 和圆岩ISD.

然而定义 | If you live within the service area but you do not pay ACC taxes or live in any of the taxing regions listed above, 你被认为是区外的. 你仍然会得到免费的学费和一般费用, but will be responsible for the out-of-district fee ($201 per credit hour).



需要帮助完成现有的应用程序?  联络我们的招聘人员: ssf4.net/recruiting.

电子邮件: (电子邮件保护)
