Austin 社区 College District (ACC) hosts the inaugural Riverbat Experience: Student Success Summit event on Friday, 7月14日, 2023, at the DoubleTree by Hilton hotel, 在奥斯汀, 德州. Throughout the day, ACC 教师 和 staff were invited to explore the programs, 倡议, 和 achievements in student success 和 discover how their area plays a role.

Office of Equal Opportunity Compliance


的 Office of Equal Opportunity Compliance supports a safe, 可访问的, 和 inclusive environment for students 和 employees. A high value on interpersonal relationships is at the forefront while ensuring freedom from discrimination, 骚扰, 和 retaliation. Employees are supported in resolving workplace concerns to foster a sustainable environment as valued stakeholders with the power to affect outcomes.


的 Office is committed to ensuring equal opportunity through proactive outreach, 教育, 和解决. Guidance, resources, 和 a policy framework reinforce the effective resolution of concerns.

Prohibition of Discrimination & 骚扰

的 Office responds to concerns regarding unlawful discrimination, 骚扰 和 retaliation, by collaborating with districtwide partners to ensure that students 和 employees enjoy a safe environment that is free from discriminatory actions based on any protected characteristic. Equally important, we identify 和 connect individuals with resources they may need to fully engage in the learning environment. Read about policies prohibiting discrimination 和 骚扰.

视图 第九条: Employee Reporting Requirements to learn about ACC employees’ responsibility to report incidents of discrimination or 骚扰.

Employee Relations

的 Employee Relations Officer (ERO) coordinates with employees 和 supervisors to provide a fair, 公平的, 和 timely process to address formal grievances. 的 informal resolution of employee concerns are encouraged, with a focus on maintaining a productive work environment. Matters involving reports of bullying, workplace culture, 和 communication are addressed by the ERO with the highest level of review 和 scrutiny to comprehensively serve the ACC community. Learn how the ERO supports the ACC community, 和 read about the employee grievance process.

教育 & 外展

的 Equal Opportunity Compliance Office analyzes annual report data to inform our 教育 efforts 和 enrich the resources we offer. 的 2022-2023 Annual Report provides insight into data relevant to cases related to discrimination, 骚扰, 和 employee relations reported to the college.

的 Office also provides the Equal Opportunity Resource GuideNotice of Victim Rights 和 选项. Both publications are updated annually to reflect current ACC-specific trends.

的 Equal Opportunity Compliance Office is eager to partner with students, 教师, 和 staff to empower our ACC community through 教育. Informational programs about college policies can be tailored to meet the needs 和 interests of audiences across the district. To schedule a presentation, contact Casey Martinez, 教育 coordinator, at 卡珊德拉 or 512-223-7857.
